Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 2012, Rota Spain

Our purpose for heading to Dover Air Force Base en route to Ramstein, Germany was to see Brandon and Tyler who were on a mission's trip circling Germany for about 13 days.  The goal was to meet them in Heidelberg for a day or so and do the Rhine River cruise with them enjoying the castles.

We left home on Friday, the 15th, thinking surely a flight would turn up to Germany but it never happened for us.  I talked Paul into the first  8 hour flight to Rota, Spain and worry about getting to Germany later.  It was a good, quick flight on a large C-5 with about 45 passengers for 70 seats, that allowed me to finish a good book.  We ordered 2 box lunches and settled in. So thankful that we had arranged lodging while in Dover at the Navy Lodge $76.00 a night, since we arrived at 2 a.m.  Got a quick cab to the Lodge and headed for bed.  Saturday  took us the the terminal to get a small, very tight Chevy car for $35 a day so we had wheels.

We headed to Rota for a look around, enjoying the old town with its great beaches, many landscaped parks, outside restaurants, Spanish architecture and rich history, and it's small streets.  Just love it.  After a nap, we headed back at night to walk the busy streets, grab a ice cream, and listen to some live music until 1 a.m..at an outdoor restaurant.  Music was stimulating but the best part was a sweet little 3 year old dancing in the streets.  All eyes were on her as she mocked a flamingo dancer.

 Below is a pic of the busy beaches, gorgeous aqua water and luscious parks.  Paul even noticed some topless female bathers.  OU LA LA.

 Paul encouraged me to eat in the  cheap G.I. chow hall for dinner......another learning lesson to NEVER to that again.  Worst ever meal, not even work the $3.00 that we spent. LOL

On Father's Day, we headed for the Rota harbor dock in Old Town to grab a $20 for two round trip, half hour ticket to Cadiz, great boat, great 80 degree day, great breeze, and great partner, so definitely a perfect day for Paul and I.  Since siesta time is until 5pm with restaurants opening at 8pm, we had to settle for an ice cream, piece of terrible dark chocolate cake with french fries and onion rings at Burger King.  We were so counting on a great dinner at Planet Hollywood but didn't happen.

We walked around Cadiz and took the next pictures.  There is an Old Town with it's one car sized streets, a rugged as well as many beaches coastline, tight knitted apartments, notorious one way streets, plazas with water fountains for outdoor dining, and many loud animated people.

this is actually a street.

The next day, Monday, June 18th we headed to the terminal to board a flight to Sicily and then to Crete, Greece.

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